Validating LiteDB Data from an Android App

In my new sideproject CryptoFolio, which I announced in this article, I described that I’d like to use LiteDB to locally store data that I received from the coinmarketcap-API. LiteDB is basically a NoSQL database, in particular a document store. It functions on a serverless file basis and can be accessed via a simple API. While it is quite easy to implement the databases functionality itself, testing the resulting data structure is somewhat more difficult. But to be sure that my data is saved correctly, I needed a way to explore the database located on the android device. Therefore, I use the following approach: ...

December 14, 2017 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Self-Organization and Increasing Productivity

In order to get professional elements, side projects, sport and social contacts under one roof, I have recently been busy designing my daily schedule to maximize my productivity. this article presents the results of my reflections. As a software developer it is almost self-evident to work on various own side projects, which in my case are currently mostly developed in the form of Android apps. Starting with an originally simple LifeCounter for Magic the Gathering, over smaller games up to the design of websites, my GitHub profile has meanwhile reached a considerable size. But although the whole thing is a lot of fun as a hobby, there is often no time to do everything you want to do. For this reason, I have started to allocate my productive time and to reduce the time I waste with pointless activities to a minimum. ...

October 14, 2017 · 6 min · Marcel Jurtz

Windows Package Management

As a Windows user with Linux knowledge there are several things under Linux that I would like to have on for Windows. Since a complete switch from Windows to Linux is not feasible for me due to different requirements, I looked for alternatives. An important component of various Linux distributions is their package manager. This article discusses the implementation of such a feature under Windows and shows how it can be used. ...

October 10, 2017 · 3 min · Marcel Jurtz

Sublime Text 3 for Atom Users

Due to the release of Sublime Text 3, I thought I’ll give this editor a shot. Currently, I’m using both Notepad++ and Atom. Altough I really like atom and the several useful plugins, it has one huge problem: speed. The initial loading time is one thing, over 100 mb. of RAM in idle mode is another. For quickly editing stuff, this is not acceptable. Sublime Text seems to be a nice alternative, this article documents my switch from Atom to Sublime Text. ...

September 17, 2017 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

How to set up SSH for git

When using github, you usually have to enter your login credentials each time you push. You could solve this problem by saving the credentials or by setting up ssh for your account. In this post, the process of adding and using ssh keys will be explained. I’m using git bash, if you use git gui/sourcetree/etc. you should consider switching, at least for this process. At first, SSH keys are generated. The command for this is the following: ...

September 11, 2017 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz