Searching Blogposts in Jekyll

In one of my previous posts, I went over the details why I moved my blog from WordPress to Jekyll. So far, I really appreciate my new system, but I miss one particular feature: searching through my posts. Since Jekyll is a static site generator and does not rely on a database for the posts, you can’t simply add a search functionality like WordPress does. So, I have to work with some frontend / clientside stuff. ...

March 30, 2018 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Moving to Jekyll

I decided that it is time for some changes. When I started this blog, I decided to use WordPress. My goal was to be able to write posts without having to focus on anything other than actual writing. Wordpress was the tool of my choice due to its simplicity. Nevertheless, I wasn’t always really happy with the CMS. Problems occurred again and again, mainly in connection with performance, loading times and general page speed. Not to mention incompatible plugins and various little things. I don’t want to discuss this here at all, I was simply looking for something faster. ...

March 4, 2018 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz