Sideproject - Sist!

It’s time to announce a new sideproject-launch! Some days ago, I’ve been looking for an app which allowed my to keep track of shopping lists in a simple and fast way. While there are lots of such apps available for Android, all I tested seemed to be overkill for what I really wanted. So I decided to create my own app for this purpose. Besides creating a simple app, my goal was to learn something new while developing the app. I decided to use Androids built in SQLite database to store lists. I’ve been using the database for previous projects, but I did not really care about the implementation. That being said, I wrote the queries all by hand which ended up being pretty messy. ...

March 28, 2018 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Sideproject: Perfeggt

Once again, it’s time to announce one of my side projects: Pefeggt - A boiling time calculator for eggs. Actually, I’ve been sitting on this one for quite a while and I decided to complete a working release this weekend. The app is built for Android and it helps you to calculate the perfect time you need to boil eggs to your preferred consistency. Functionality & Usage To calculate the time, I’m using Charles D. H. Williams formula from his paper “The Science of boiling an Egg”. This calculation requires the weight and temperature of the egg, the height above sea level at the place where it is cooked and the desired internal temperature of the egg to determine its consistency. ...

March 4, 2018 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Introduction to Room for Android

In the context of I/O 2017, Google released the Room Persistence Library, an intermediate layer between application logic and Android’s SQLite database. Using Room, you no longer have to handle stuff like network connection errors or caching yourself. Today’s article will help you get started with the library and teach you all the skills you need to implement Room in your own applications. Background of my sample application The following code snippets are part of one of my side projects. This application manages shopping lists, which in itself can have entries. Actually, this is a very simple application, but it illustrates the functionality of Room very well. ...

February 17, 2018 · 6 min · Marcel Jurtz

Using Androids Recyclerview with Kotlin

Traditionally, you were using a listview to display several homogeneous elements in you Android app. However, this view is now deprecated. Android now offers an alternative, which aims to increase performance by only loading those elements, that are currently rendered on-screen: the RecyclerView. This article shows you how to get started with the RecyclerView. To make things a bit more interesting, we will be using Kotlin instead of Java. You can set up an Android project for Kotlin by simply clicking the checkbox for Kotlin support in the new project wizard. ...

February 11, 2018 · 5 min · Marcel Jurtz

C# – Mastering the Basics – Operator Overloading

Most of the built-in operators that are available in C# can be redefined. In todays article, I’ll be showing you how you can redefine operators to match your custom classes. Additionally, I’ll cover which operators actually can be overwritten. Redefining Operators To create custom functionality for operators in combination with your own classes, you’ll simply need to create methods matching a specific pattern. These methods require the usage of the keyword operator, followed by the actual operator you’ll want to overwrite. ...

January 21, 2018 · 4 min · Marcel Jurtz