Efficient Learning with the Feynman Technique

Today’s post is about learning new things more efficiently, i.e. wasting as little time as possible on learning. I use the Feynman technique, named after the physicist Richard Feynman. Feynman was known for his ability to break down complex facts into their core message and to convey them very easily. You certainly know the concept of being able to explain things to others in order to better understand them yourself. That’s exactly what I’m doing with my blog and that’s also the goal of the Feynman technique. Feynman’s focus is on not tricking yourself, after all, you don’t fool anyone as easily as you do yourself, but to really dig into a topic. ...

February 3, 2019 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Learning to Learn

How often did you tell yourself that you want to learn a specific skill and you either stopped while learning it or learned it but never managed to apply it in your workflow? I bet you encountered both situations more than once. In this article, I’ll cover my method on how I learn new skills efficiently and actually remember the stuff I read. In this post, I’d like to share my thoughts and experiences in learning new skilly. While my examples are mostly centered around programming and software development, I’m sure that you can apply the most of the principles in other topics as well. ...

May 3, 2018 · 4 min · Marcel Jurtz

Getting Stuff Done

While being fun, programming is not easy. To be able to dive into a flow state in which you’re completely focussed on the topic, you need to cut off all distractions. With this article I would like to introduce you to my methods of working in a more focused manner and give you some tips that might make your life much easier. My experiences mostly come from the programming area, but the following tips can be extended to various other topics. ...

February 21, 2018 · 4 min · Marcel Jurtz

Advanced Git - Git Reset

In one of my earliest posts, I wrote an introduction to version control, more specifically: git. The topic I will cover today extends this article by a topic which is actually not that complicated. However, people seem to find it hard to deal with it and use it as a highway to StackOverflow. I talk about git reset. This command can be used to reset changes in your working area or to remove staged files from the index. I think that one of the problems here is the context-dependent functionality of the command. Another problem is the commands potentially disruptive character, since it can lead to data loss. ...

January 4, 2018 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Self-Organization and Increasing Productivity

In order to get professional elements, side projects, sport and social contacts under one roof, I have recently been busy designing my daily schedule to maximize my productivity. this article presents the results of my reflections. As a software developer it is almost self-evident to work on various own side projects, which in my case are currently mostly developed in the form of Android apps. Starting with an originally simple LifeCounter for Magic the Gathering, over smaller games up to the design of websites, my GitHub profile has meanwhile reached a considerable size. But although the whole thing is a lot of fun as a hobby, there is often no time to do everything you want to do. For this reason, I have started to allocate my productive time and to reduce the time I waste with pointless activities to a minimum. ...

October 14, 2017 · 6 min · Marcel Jurtz