TypeScript - Up and Running in 10 Minutes

You are aware of JavaScript, but have never really made friends with the language? Today I would like to show you a first insight into the JS-SuperSet TypeScript, so perhaps you can give JavaScript a second chance. TypeScript is a SuperSet of JavaScript. SuperSet means that all functionalities of JS are both supported and extended. As the name suggests, the main feature of TypeScript are strongly typed variables. But more on this in a moment. ...

September 2, 2018 · 4 min · Marcel Jurtz

Searching Blogposts in Jekyll

In one of my previous posts, I went over the details why I moved my blog from WordPress to Jekyll. So far, I really appreciate my new system, but I miss one particular feature: searching through my posts. Since Jekyll is a static site generator and does not rely on a database for the posts, you can’t simply add a search functionality like WordPress does. So, I have to work with some frontend / clientside stuff. ...

March 30, 2018 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz