Advanced Git - Git Reset

In one of my earliest posts, I wrote an introduction to version control, more specifically: git. The topic I will cover today extends this article by a topic which is actually not that complicated. However, people seem to find it hard to deal with it and use it as a highway to StackOverflow. I talk about git reset. This command can be used to reset changes in your working area or to remove staged files from the index. I think that one of the problems here is the context-dependent functionality of the command. Another problem is the commands potentially disruptive character, since it can lead to data loss. ...

January 4, 2018 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

How to set up SSH for git

When using github, you usually have to enter your login credentials each time you push. You could solve this problem by saving the credentials or by setting up ssh for your account. In this post, the process of adding and using ssh keys will be explained. I’m using git bash, if you use git gui/sourcetree/etc. you should consider switching, at least for this process. At first, SSH keys are generated. The command for this is the following: ...

September 11, 2017 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Getting started with Git

This post represents an overview of version control with git. The mentioned commands and parameters are only a small part of what’s possible. Git is a popular system for version control. Projects on git are called Repositories. Repositories can be used local or with a server. There are several free hosters, for example: Github GitLab BitBucket Installation Linux (Debian-based) 1 apt-get install git-all Windows Mac Elements Git-Repositories are separated into working directory, staging area and repository. The working directory is the local copy of the repository. ...

September 10, 2017 · 7 min · Marcel Jurtz