C# Preprocessor Directives

You can use preprocessor directives in csharp to provide straightforward instructions to the compiler. For example, these directives allow you to execute certain code elements only under predefined conditions. Another possible field of use is simply the structuring of your source code into blocks, which can be folded in and out of Visual Studio. In this article I will discuss some of these directives. Preprocessor directives are always started with a #-symbol. ...

December 2, 2017 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Self-Organization and Increasing Productivity

In order to get professional elements, side projects, sport and social contacts under one roof, I have recently been busy designing my daily schedule to maximize my productivity. this article presents the results of my reflections. As a software developer it is almost self-evident to work on various own side projects, which in my case are currently mostly developed in the form of Android apps. Starting with an originally simple LifeCounter for Magic the Gathering, over smaller games up to the design of websites, my GitHub profile has meanwhile reached a considerable size. But although the whole thing is a lot of fun as a hobby, there is often no time to do everything you want to do. For this reason, I have started to allocate my productive time and to reduce the time I waste with pointless activities to a minimum. ...

October 14, 2017 · 6 min · Marcel Jurtz