Remote Debugging ASP.NET Core with Ngrok

Sometimes it can be helpful to test your apps not only on a local machine, but also using other devices within or outside, your network. In my current example, I use an ASP.NET Core web application that contains an API that I can in turn access via an Android app. I debug the Android app on a physical device that is on the same network as the ASP.NET Core application. ...

December 31, 2021 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

.NET Core on a Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is one of my favorite toys when it comes to hosting local applications or services like relational databases for testing purposes. At the moment I am trying to test an ASP.NET core application with this setup. However, getting .NET Core to run on the Raspberry Pi is not as easy as I thought, so I’d like to briefly outline the necessary steps. On GitHub you will find the download links we need. In my example I am using version 2.1.1. By following the link to the required version, you’ll see a table with different download links. ...

January 20, 2019 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Partial Classes and Methods in C#

The partial keyword in C# allows you to spread a class definition across multiple files. You’ve probably seen this before when you created a WinForms application and viewed the MyForm.Designer.cs file, which contains the properties you define in the Designer. So the Visual Designer stores the entire definition of your user interface in this separate file. The class of your form itself is always marked partial. Files of partial methods must not be in different assemblies and will be merged during compilation. The IL code therefore looks exactly the same as if the class were a single file. ...

January 13, 2019 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Garbage Collection in .NET

Today I would like to give you an overview of how the garbage collector of the .NET framework works. Knowledge of it makes a lot of sense to improve your programming skills regarding object creation and lifetime. Garbage Collection in General I want to start with some general theory - what is garbage collection and what do I need it for? Garbage collection (GC) is basically a feature that relieves developers of the work of allocating and deallocating memory for their objects. ...

September 16, 2018 · 7 min · Marcel Jurtz

C# - Getting Started with Attributes

In todays post I want to show you how to use attributes in C#. I have to apologize in advance, though, as I’m going to focus only to a limited extent on why they make sense and what you can use them for, that’s a topic for one of the following articles. Nevertheless, I would like to give you a basic understanding so that you can incorporate this concept into your own applications. ...

June 18, 2018 · 3 min · Marcel Jurtz