Why you should write your own Impossible List

Writing down your goals is extremely helpful for really achieving them. With fixed, terminable goals with fixed intermediate steps, you make it much easier for yourself to really achieve your self-imposed goals. Today I would like to show you a way to define your goals with the help of the so-called “Impossible List”. At first glance this list looks like an Impossible List, but it is definitely not: Joel Runyon, the author of the first Impossible List describes the classic Bucket List as a static list that was written at some point in life and usually none of the points written down really affect the life of the creator. So the goals are written down, but never reached or at least actively pursued. ...

December 9, 2018 · 3 min · Marcel Jurtz

100 Days of Code

You might be familiar with the following situation: You are in your first job as a software developer and spend less and less time with your own projects? Or the time you spend on them is generally getting less and less? I have the problem right now and I’ve been thinking about what’s causing it and how I can work on it. Well, the main problem, in my opinion, is that I no longer have the pressure from my studies to learn to take an exam, for example. Although I want to advance my own projects, I have to force myself not to use my time elsewhere. And, according to the motto “it requires pressure to create diamonds” not much works without pressure. ...

October 14, 2018 · 3 min · Marcel Jurtz

Getting Started With Running

If you had told me a year ago that I would run an entire Tough Mudder in a year, I probably would have made fun of you. Well, to be honest, I didn’t even know about the existence of obstacle course races (OCR) of this kind at the time. If that were the case, I would certainly have been able to motivate myself quickly. Briefly to my prehistory: I am in my early 20s and have tried various sports since my childhood. Athletics, rowing, climbing, mountain biking, snowboarding, baseball, squash - again and again I tried different things that seemed interesting. Some of them I still do today, but in October 2017 I decided to take up a new challenge. ...

September 23, 2018 · 7 min · Marcel Jurtz