Dockerizing .NET Core Apps

I have already written two articles about the basics of Docker. While these should provide a general overview of you technology, I would like to illustrate a concrete application example today. I will show you the whole process, from writing a simple application to using it in the form of a Docker Container. If you haven’t read my previous articles, you may not have the idea why you should use Docker at all. For a full explanation, I refer to my other articles which you can check out [here]({{site.baseurl }}{% post_url 2018-07-01-docker-getting-started %}) and [here]({{site.baseurl }}{% post_url 2018-07-08-docker-installation-and-first-steps %}). However, I would still like to comment briefly on the idea. Imagine you are writing a.NET application. To use your application you now need a special version of the.NET framework, as well as possibly a suitable database and other dependencies. ...

August 19, 2018 · 6 min · Marcel Jurtz

Automated Testing

Todays focus is on how you can test your applications automatically to detect bugs early and improve your code quality. I want to introduce you to the concept of automated testing. In order to make the content accessible to as many users as possible, I will not use code examples and concentrate purely on the underlying idea instead. Once you understand them, you will have no problems implementing the concept in the programming language of your choice. ...

August 5, 2018 · 5 min · Marcel Jurtz

How I Learn Anything Quickly

As a software developer, you are probably well aware of the feeling: You are overwhelmed by the amount of interesting stuff you want to test and learn. But I’m sure that this problem is also very common in other fields. If you feel like me, you may read and watch various books, blog articles or online courses, but you won’t really keep much of their contents. In today’s article, I’d like to help you to learn more effectively about the topics that really interest you, wasting less time. ...

July 29, 2018 · 4 min · Marcel Jurtz

Dependency Injection - Overview and Implementation

Especially when you are at the beginning of your career as a software developer, you probably know that: You have already picked up the term “Dependency Injection”, but can’t do anything with it directly? Then today’s post is for you! I will introduce you to the principle, functionality and the types of dependency injection. Finally, I’ll show you how to write a simple IoC container. And don’t worry if you are unfamiliar with the different terms, I will explain everything, you don’t need any previous knowledge. However, certain basic knowledge in software development is definitely an advantage today. My code examples are written in C#, but you will have no problems understanding them if you are used to another programming language. ...

July 23, 2018 · 8 min · Marcel Jurtz

Agile - Get Started with Kanban

After I introduced Scrum in my last article, today will be about Kanban. Like Scrum, Kanban is an agile software development methodology and I have to say that I apply the principles I present today to most of my personal side projects. Kanban is Japanese and can be translated as “billboard”. Kanban was first introduced by Toyota in the automotive industry and is now mostly associated with just-in-time concepts. But I don’t want to bore you with historical details, I want to show you the usage in software development. ...

July 21, 2018 · 6 min · Marcel Jurtz