Sublime Text 3 for Atom Users

Due to the release of Sublime Text 3, I thought I’ll give this editor a shot. Currently, I’m using both Notepad++ and Atom. Altough I really like atom and the several useful plugins, it has one huge problem: speed. The initial loading time is one thing, over 100 mb. of RAM in idle mode is another. For quickly editing stuff, this is not acceptable. Sublime Text seems to be a nice alternative, this article documents my switch from Atom to Sublime Text. ...

September 17, 2017 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Building an Android App from Scratch using MVP

In this article, I’ll document the process of building an android app from scratch by using the MVP approach of clean architecture. The app itself will represent a minimalistic umpire indicator for tracking baseball games. Please consider using this in the dugout only. Since this will be a longer post, you can use the following links to jump between sections. What is MVP? Background on the app to be built Constructing the GUI Managing interfaces Building the model Connecting view and model by adding the presenter 1. What is MVP? MVP is a design pattern which helps you to build clean, modular code, that can easily be tested. It consists of the model, the view and the presenter. The view just displays your GUI and can be represented by an activity. The model contains your business logic. The presenter connects these parts. This approach has the advantage, that you can build your model using pure Java, without any Android compontents. ...

September 12, 2017 · 8 min · Marcel Jurtz

How to set up SSH for git

When using github, you usually have to enter your login credentials each time you push. You could solve this problem by saving the credentials or by setting up ssh for your account. In this post, the process of adding and using ssh keys will be explained. I’m using git bash, if you use git gui/sourcetree/etc. you should consider switching, at least for this process. At first, SSH keys are generated. The command for this is the following: ...

September 11, 2017 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Getting started with Git

This post represents an overview of version control with git. The mentioned commands and parameters are only a small part of what’s possible. Git is a popular system for version control. Projects on git are called Repositories. Repositories can be used local or with a server. There are several free hosters, for example: Github GitLab BitBucket Installation Linux (Debian-based) 1 apt-get install git-all Windows Mac Elements Git-Repositories are separated into working directory, staging area and repository. The working directory is the local copy of the repository. ...

September 10, 2017 · 7 min · Marcel Jurtz

Making Video Games - Concepts - Part 1

In this series, I’ll be creating a videogame from scratch using unity. I hope that I’ll be able to keep everything understandable for beginners, but if something gets too complex, just contact me and I’ll update the specific post. This first part covers the basic concepts of what I’ll be building, and what tools you may need. About the game I’d like to build an arcade style, shoot ’em up, top down shooter like space invaders. Building the game will include topics like: ...

September 9, 2017 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz