
Schön, dass du zu mir gefunden hast. Ich bin Marcel und lebe in Überlingen am Bodensee. Seit 2014 bin ich in der Softwareentwicklung unterwegs und seit 2020 auch selbstständig aktiv. 2025 habe ich den Schritt zur Vollzeit-Selbstständigkeit gewagt und dort hauptsächlich im Bereich der Webentwicklung tätig.

Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Entwickler für dein Projekt oder zur Ergänzung deines bestehenden Teams? Melde dich gerne unverbindlich bei mir und ich unterstütze dich gerne bei Entwurf, Umsetzung und Wartung deiner Anwendung oder Website. Ich freue mich auf deine Kontaktaufnahme!

Bist du aus dem Fitness-Bereich auf mich aufmerksam geworden? Dann wirst du hier fündig!

Setting up Git to ignore changes on existing config files

Git is a powerful tool for version control and managing changes in code. One of my main issue on using it on real projects, are config files. I couldn’t just add them to the .gitinore-file, because I needed them to be there, but I didn’t want them to accidentally be included in any commits and screw up the working copies. While looking for a fix to this issue, I stumbled upon an option to tell git to ignore changes on specific files: git update index --skip-worktree <file1> <file2>. ...

March 7, 2023 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

CI/CD for Hugo with GitHub Actions

I’ve been moving this site to hugo quite a while ago, but only recently stumbled across the idea to create a workflow on GitHub Actions to build a hugo site straight after each push. Contrary to many other articles however, I didn’t have the option to publish the page to GitHub Pages or similar, simply because the project still is under heavy construction. So, I had the following requirements: Start workflow after each push, but also enable manual triggering for testing purposes Build the site, considering it requires additional dependencies due to relying on Googles Docsy-Theme Bonus: Use a tool to verify the integrity of all the internal links and images to verify correct paths Let’s keep it simple: I started with a regular setup of the repo on an up-to-date Ubuntu container: ...

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · Marcel Jurtz

Remote Debugging ASP.NET Core with Ngrok

Sometimes it can be helpful to test your apps not only on a local machine, but also using other devices within or outside, your network. In my current example, I use an ASP.NET Core web application that contains an API that I can in turn access via an Android app. I debug the Android app on a physical device that is on the same network as the ASP.NET Core application. ...

December 31, 2021 · 2 min · Marcel Jurtz

Password-Synchronization with Syncthing

If you are reading this, chances are you already use a password manager. I have been doing that for several years now. But I have to admit that my password manager has only run on my phone so far and I have always transferred passwords that I use on my PC by hand. Probably out of sheer laziness. Today, I use this blog post to finally synchronise my password database between any number of devices - and to show you how to do it. The whole thing not only makes dealing with passwords more convenient, but naturally also reduces the inhibition threshold to actually use the applications. This in turn improves the overall security of your accounts. ...

November 25, 2021 · 5 min · Marcel Jurtz

Building a CrossFit Workout-App with Node.JS and Vue

If you follow my blog a bit more closely, you might know that my most time-consuming hobby is triathlon. Strength training in the gym or at home is and remains part of it, but is more a means to an end. Then in October 2020 I had my first experience with CrossFit - (very) short, very intense workouts without too much equipment, leaving you with a feeling like the one you have after finishing a very hard interval session on the running track - I was immediately captivated. The basic idea of CrossFit workouts are so called WODs (Workouts of the Day), so you don’t usually train repetitive workouts, but always bring some variety into the mix. When you’re a coached CrossFit-Athlete, you usually don’t get to know the contents of todays WOD until you hit the gym (which are called “Box”). The sessions are usually named to make them easier to communicate. If you look up the term “WOD” on any search engine, you’ll be inundated with related posts. One of these WODs is be the following: ...

January 3, 2021 · 11 min · Marcel Jurtz